DIY Stand Build

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 28, 2004
I finally decided to take the plunge and start spending on my aqaurium. First thing I need is a stand. I went to Sears and bought a ridiculous amount of tools. On the bill was a table saw, compound miter saw, circular saw, random orbit sander, and a 4ft level. Next I stoped at Home Depot and picked up some wood, then drove home with 4x8 sheets of plywoods tyed to to the roll cage on my Jeep. For some 'practice' I built a "built-in-desk' in my office(soon to be home of my aqaurium as well.

So as of now I'm down $500 on tools and still don't have a stand. If all is quite tonight at work I'll finish the plans for the stand and purchase the wood on my way home. Tommarow I'll try to include some pics.
looking forward to it! What size tank are you going to build this for? (and FW or SW?)


I just put on the 3rd coat of Polyurathane to the desk. If the stand looks half as good I'll be happy with it.

Before I went to bed I got about half the frame complete. Then my countersinking drill broke, I took it as a sign I should stop and get some rest. 5 hours later I'm back and about to run over to Sears.
No Pic on the frame yet.

Its supported by some 1x1s that are screwed into the wall studs(first picture). I will be adding some 'legs'. The way it is now it would work for paper but theres no way it could hold the bank of computers and monitors I will be putting on it.

I completed the frame earlier and attached the upper "deck" and the lower "deck" both are 3/4" oak plywood(left over from desk). A rear view of the stand. The series of holes at the bottom are vents. Since I just put down the hardwood floors I was concerned about spills. My thinking was in the event water got under the stand it could evaperate and escape. Not sure if it will work but it can't hurt. I will be putting some metal screen over these so no little creatures make a home under the stand.

Front angle view. There will be one door it will swing toward the left. The corners are doubled up similar to someones design I saw here.

The is a shot from the bottom. I have no clue why its not as clear as the rest. I turned all the cross members on there side. This gave me about 3.5" more room under the cabinet.
Looks good- No, Great! It hurts my heart to hear that is oak ply. But since it was leftovers my pulse is slowly returning to normal. :D Seriously it looks very well done as does the desk.

Looks good are you going to add some nice trip etc to it to make it look like a nice piece of furniture?
Yeah, so about the skin/trim. I went to HD and bought some 1/4 "oak" plywood, when I got home I noticed it was a slightly different color/grain than the rest of the stuff I had laying around. When I looked at the sticked it said birch. I know I got it from the Oak shelf so either I had a brain fart or someone put it back in the wrong spot. Hopefully tommarow I can make another trip back to HD and exchange the birch for Oak.

Only the front and right side will be covered as the tank will sit in the corner of the room. The sides will go higher than the "deck" so the frame of the tank will be hidden. I'll use only enough moulding to cover the corners and end of the plywood. I like to keep things as simple as possible.
I went to my LFS store Today and ordered my AGA 120G w/ dual overflow today. Theres no turning back now. It will arrive next Friday.

As for the stand. I sistered the top beam above the opening for the door as well as sistering the uprights on either side. I put on the front skin although it more like a hide because again I used 3/4" ply.


Now your probobly wondering why there are 2 handles on the door. Its because it isn't a door, its a hatch!


I used 4 of the magentic things normally used to keep cabinet doors closed. I will be adding molding to cover the gap.
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