Do I have enough Filter?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 1, 2006
Just got a new 55 gallon to use as a community tank. It has only been set up for a few weeks but i was able to take some stuff from an established tank so my cycle is going pretty fast. The ammonia is still a bit high but i'm guessing that everything will be great in a week or so.

Anyways, the water is clear except for what looks like dust particles floating around the water. I do a 20% water change every day or so and it doesn't fix it. I only have a aqua-tech 30/60 filter on it now and i'm starting to think that that may not be enough. could this have anything to do with my "dusty" water? if I need another filter should i just get the same as i have now and run two? That wouldn't be too much filter would it?

And since i'm signed up, i may as well ask a couple other questions :lol:

I love the look of java moss in tanks and hear it's pretty easy to grow, only problem is that i can't find it anywhere. Are there any online shops that sell it? Any tips on growing that or can i just tie it down and let it do it's thing?

Here is the tank but i think it will continue to look different weekly until i get it to look perfect.................. yeah right :lol:

Java Moss can be found all over the place on eBay, or I'm sure there are people on this forum that would be willing to mail you some for the cost of shipping. Check the barter/trade section. But ya, you would just attach some to that amazing peice of driftwood and let it go. Amazing piece of driftwood, really good choice on that one.

As for the "dusty" water. What kind of rock is that on the right side? It might be the cause of slightly cloudy water, but I honestly don't see any problem with your tank from the picture.
thanks, i'll go check ebay for the java moss now. Not sure what kind of rock that is but i just put it in a couple days ago, the water problem has been in the tank since the second day i set it up. Like you said you really cant tell by the picture but it's there. It's nothing really horrible but it's just not as clear as it should be.
It depends on how heavily you stock your aquarium, but I would consider getting another filter. I have the same filter that came with a 29 gallon tank that was given to me, but would put two of them (or another similar filter) in a 55gal.

You might want to consider a Penguin 350, since it will use the same filter cartridges and has the benefits of the biowheels to improve biological filtration. The Regent Aquatech filters are made by Marineland, the same company that makes the Penguins and Emperors.
Nice looking tank- I also just setup a 55gal corner tank and after reading aaaalot off this site I purchased a xp2 and put my old Aquaclear 50 on the tank also. I can't imagine you could overfilter a tank. I used filter floss in the top basket and my water is crystal clear. You should be able to use any filter you want, if you can put filter floss in the filter it will remove all the small particles from your water. AL
You can't really over filter a tank. I have a 55 gallon that I am running a penguin HOB with biowheel and I just installed a Filstar XP3. Thats 350 Gallons per hour for the XP3 and i think like 300 GPH with the penguin. If I may I'd like to give a "plug" for the canister filters because previously i was running two HOB's and now that the canister filter is on there it is unbelievably cleaner than it ever has been. The only thing that may happen is over circulation but you can adjust that by drilling out the wholes on the spray bar to lessen the flow. HTH
:oops: :oops: :oops:

Ok, i'm almost embarrassed to admit it but i finally figured out my "dust" problem. Turns out it was very small air bubbles from the air stones :oops: :oops:

I turned the air pump off and within minutes the water was crystal clear. I still say that it looked just like dust and everyone else who looked at it also agreed so i feel a bit less stupid :lol: The one thing i don't understand though, i have had tanks for years and have another one set up in the bedroom with the same pump and 18 inch air tubes and the water is clear. I think it's just the right combination of light and the background color. Now that i know what it is i guess i'll just deal with it because i love the look of the bubbles going all the way across the back of the tank.

I did end up getting a Marineland Bio wheel 330 filter, it's not going to fix the problem but i guess it cant hurt.
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