Do I need to dose ferts?

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Apr 21, 2011
Rhode Island
Hi! I've just ordered the following live plants for my 20 gal high tank: anubias nana, anubias barteri, java fern, and windelov java fern.

I have the stock light that came with the tank: a single florescent 18w T8 bulb, full spectrum daylight, 8,000k.

Do I need to dose ferts to keep these plants alive with my current lighting? I'm planning to upgrade eventually but it might be a few months before I do so. If I should dose ferts what kind (root tabs, etc)? And are ferts safe for fish?

I have sand substrate. I don't have CO2 and do not want to use it.

Also what is the proper way to bury these plants into the substrate?

Thank you! :D
you do not bury java fern and anubias in the substrate.... they will do well tied to a piece of driftwood or on a rock. but it would help to dose ferts, just not to much or you will have a fun time with algae. and yes, ferts are safe for fish
Probably yes, it would improve growth.
Doing water changes? What water, how big, how often?
This will effect what is already going in and coming out.. so kinda forms a starting base
Thanks for your replies!

Yes I do two water changes per week of 5-7 gals each. I also add RO Rite to the water (long story, I had much trouble cycling my tank and I narrowed it down to my tap water -- either something in the water inhibiting the bacteria or lacking from the water. After changing my water source to spring water and adding RO Rite my cycle took off and completed in 3 weeks after 4 months of no movement. I now am back to tap water but I add a small amount of RO Rite with each water change to enhance my tap water).

Given that I am dosing minerals are ferts still needed? If so would I need a root tab or something like Excel? Should I dose less?

So the only plant that would be buried would be the Windelov? For the others could I use fishing line to attach them to DW or rocks?

Sorry for the questions, I'm clueless when it comes to plants and generally have had a black thumb in the past trying to grow normal non-tank plants so I just want to do this correctly. Thank you.
We'll see what others have to say, but I don't think I would do much.

Got your micro nutrients covered with water changes. Plenty of N and some K from fish and fish food. Not a ton of light on there.

Are you unhappy with the growth or look? If yes, I think I would just keep plugging. If you upgrade the tanks and/or light then perhaps.
Yes I used fishing line to attach my anubias to a rock, after a while the roots will attach and you can remove the fishing line.

Thank you! So something like pieces of slate sold in the Aquarium section should be sufficient? How should I attach the plants so that I don't ruin the roots? (I know that's probably a stupid question lol).

Any thoughts on the ferts?
you run the line over the ribosome of the plant but under the leaves. then around the rock/driftwood and tie it tight but not tight enough to hurt the plant.
and as for ferts, you could go with the basics, flourish or flourish excel, unless you have a deficiency of other nutrients, i dose flourish and flourish iron and have good results but i dont think you would need to dose iron
We'll see what others have to say, but I don't think I would do much.

Got your micro nutrients covered with water changes. Plenty of N and some K from fish and fish food. Not a ton of light on there.

Are you unhappy with the growth or look? If yes, I think I would just keep plugging. If you upgrade the tanks and/or light then perhaps.

Thanks, we replied at the same time so I didn't see your reply before I replied again. :)

I currently only have fake plants which I hate the look of so I just ordered the above plants from Severum Mama and should get them next week. These will be my first live plants and I just want to keep them healthy. I know my light isn't sufficient I'm just hoping to keep the plants alive until I can upgrade.

I may just try without the ferts and see what happens. I'm assuming I'd know if the plants aren't doing well if they start to get brown?
I'm assuming I'd know if the plants aren't doing well if they start to get brown?

some plants will brown to lose old leaves, this is natural and you can trim the brown off, but if the whole plant is browning then yes, the plant is probably not doing so well
you run the line over the ribosome of the plant but under the leaves. then around the rock/driftwood and tie it tight but not tight enough to hurt the plant.
and as for ferts, you could go with the basics, flourish or flourish excel, unless you have a deficiency of other nutrients, i dose flourish and flourish iron and have good results but i dont think you would need to dose iron

Thanks! I'll have to do some searching to see if I can find a visual aid on how to tie the plants.

Any thoughts on how much fert to add and how often since I do add minerals already? I don't want to overdose. I'd rather start low and then add more if the plants don't do well.

Thanks again to both of you, this is much appreciated! :D
lol oasiskeeper! ^ but the bottle will say how much to dose so follow its direction or dose a little bit under and work your way up.
I dose with Flourish in all my tanks, I have tons of anubias and various javas.

Root tabs are really only needs for the heavy root feeders like swords and crypts. By the way, crypts are also a very easy plant to keep and have many varieties. They just don't like being moved around much. If you plant it and move it, follow with a root tab. That's what I do and haven't had "crypt melt" since doing that.
Welcome to the planted tank world :)

You need to keep in mind you have VERY slow growing plants there. My Anubias and Java took about 2 months to show some growth.

The Java fern might die back. I thought mine was done for but the rhisome remained green so I left it and now I have a lot of little leaves popping out.

I dose with Seachem Flourish after I used Tetra Plantamin for a few months. If you find that you might need some macro's read up on DIY ferts. Its rediculously easy and cheap to do.
You can plant anubias and java fern in the substrate, just keep most of the rhizome uncovered. The roots can be burried. I have several java ferns and anubias planted in my substrate. I would try things out for a while and see how they do. If they don't show any signs of deficiency, there's no need to dose anything. They are all very undemanding plants that will grow farily slowly. Chances are, the nutrients in your water already will be sufficient. Regular water changes help with that as well.
Thanks again everyone this is much appreciated!!

I don't mind too much if they grow slowly I just don't want them to die off completely if I can help it. I just found an awesome new piece of DW today that I may use to tie some of the plants to. The rest I'll try putting them in the sand; if that doesn't go well I also have some rocks I can use with fishing line. I'll hold off on dosing ferts too and see what happens. If they start turning colors I guess it'll be time to try ferts but I'll try without first. Thanks everyone!
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