do I plant this mat with the green grid thingy attached?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 14, 2011
Morgantown, WV
All you planters out there. Do I remove this grid? Seems like I should just plant it with the dwarf tears on there as removing it seems I would tear the plants apart but what do I know? I'm learning I know nothing so please advise does this remain on the mat when I plant it? Thanks.


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    120.8 KB · Views: 167
I suppose you could leave it, but if you're looking to carpet a large area, it would be best to break up the dwarf baby tears in to small 1/2" clumps and plant them in a checkerboard pattern about an inch apart. If you're looking to grow this plant well, it requires high light, high co2 injection, a nutrient rich substrate, and a comprehensive dosing regimen. Just a little FYI.

It's a pretty difficult plant to grow and maintain.
Bill, thanks for your advice. I actually bought 3 mats so that it covered the entire floor without needing to cut it up. It doesn't lay perfectly flat on the substrate in certain spots because of the curvature of the ground so that's my only worry. I do have injected CO2 and nutrient rich substrate (aqua durt) and high lights. I also know that this plant is kind of difficult (even though the pet stores won't say that) I have found it to be. SO, heres my next go at it. :) :eek:

Heres a pic of what I mean that it doesn't lay completely flat against the substrate. I'm hoping the roots protrude far enough that they make it to the substrate anyway?


  • photo-1.JPG
    129.3 KB · Views: 179 sold me the mats. $29 a mat... I bought 3. Look pretty good. Fingers crossed they stay that way. They are pearling after two hours in my tank which is a good sign.


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You definitely don't want to pull them off the mat, kinda defeats the purpose of buying them in that manner in the first place. They can grow roots through the coco mat and into the substrate eventually, I know I have some on mats that has done that, as well as some that is still in net pots that is doing the same.
Thank you for your replies. The confusion came when the guy at the store told me to cut them into shapes with a razor blade and drop them in. Well, you ain't cutting that stuff into shapes without a wire cutter to get through the metal grid, which is what I ended up doing. Then I used a razor blade. Carefully, this allows the metal grid to stay on the mat with the new shape thus keeping the plants all attached nicely and gives it some weight to stay at the bottom.

I've just messed up my tank sooooo many times in this learning game that I wanted to re confirm. I really appreciate all your comments to help ease my mind.
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