Do you Grow land plants as well?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 10, 2005
Rapid City, SD
To all the planted tank "Masters" out there (or at least those of you like me that try to keep them alive! :?)

Do you grow land plants as well?

House Plants?

Vegetable Gardens?

Flower Gardens?

I have an apartment, so no landscaping yet, but I do have house plants. So far I seem to have better luck with the aquarium plants, my house plants live and grow but don't thrive. I just moved to a new apartment with much better light so hopefully they will perk up. I do like houseplants, though, and have plants at my office as well. There's something happy about being surrounded by green growing things that need to be taken care of.
mhm..... i love to garden... here are some pics on my flowers from my gardens






I grow plants and flowers during the warm months along with a few houseplants. Mainly stuff like coleus, aztec grass, different types of bulbs, etc. I have a pond also with different types of lillys and such. I have a couple of ramp (wild leeks) patches also. Going to try a small garden this year also.
Well, you'd have to speak with my wife about the gardening stuff but she does pretty well with the limited space available.


  • linda_splants_001_465.jpg
    205 KB · Views: 60
My wife an I just bought a hows last summer (did not really get move in till end of july) this summer i hope to have a vegetable garden and some flower gardens. i find i even like mowing the lawn :? sometimes i wish i had a tiny mower to keep the dwarf sag in check ;)
Is the Dwarf Sag the short stuff in the front? I am asking because I just bought some...
Anyway, I too keep other plants indoor and out. I am beginning to think that's why the idea of a planted tank appeals to alot of "us".
I have a corn plant, two philodendrons, and this other big plant in my room. My dad loves house plants so our foyer, living, and dining rooms are filled with plants he's wintering. Like 10 big ones and 15 small ones.
I have house plants like crazy--some which I been moving around with me for more than 8 years. I just moved out of my house to an apartment last July so this will be the first summer to do a container garden since college...I'm missing my garden at my house already and am very jealous JDogg! That's how we were when we bought the house...all of a sudden mowing and trimming etc. were fun! Veggie gardens and flowers and trees... Even grew corn (although the racoons got it before we did!) :(
I've always enjoyed houseplants, unfortunately for the longest time I was much better at killing them than keeping them alive. A few years ago I bought an indoor greenhouse and have started having a lot more luck with plants. It serves several purposes including allowing lots of plants to fit in front of the same sunny window, keeping the humidity up which makes the plants more tolerant of my forgetting to water them, and most importantly it protects them from being eaten or played with by the cats. I've actually got African Violets surviving more that just a few months and reblooming.

When we owned a house we had both flowers in the landscaping and a garden. I especially miss the roses, clematis, and irises. We had to go back to renting for awhile as a result of relocating. In the interim I've got a container garden on the deck. I'll be growing herbs in a strawberry pot and some window sill planters, possibly a few vegetables as well. Eventually I hope to have a small outdoor greenhouse. I saw some really nice ones that are about the size of a tool shed for sale last summer.
I decided to go with aquatic plants because you don't have to remember to water them!
Beautiful shots Waterpond. I love to garden as well. I grew Bonsai for years before I got into planted tanks. I had twenty or so trees, gave them up when my kids were born. I could'nt keep up with the maintenence and they were looking sad. In order for bonsai to thrive, the soil must be very porous. True Bonsai are real trees, not house plants. The roots of a tree when confined to a small pot are very suseptable to rot, therefore you must use a very porous soil to avoid this. This means you must water the trees everyday. Forget to water once and you will probably have a dead tree, not much room for error. The experience gained from growing Bonsai has helped me a ton understanding ferts and different soils with my planted tanks. I may grow a few bonsai again one day, but for now I'm totally in love with my planted tanks :)
I just got into bonsai. I got 3 trees and I'm waiting for the growing season to get going so I can start doing some shaping with them.

I also have a lily that was sold as a non-aquatic aquarium plant.

edit - but I really want carnivorous plants!
I have two flower gardens creating a perimeter around the gazebo in my yard, various trees that I planted during phase one of our ladscaping adventures. Various shrubs, lilacs, bulbs of tulips and daffodils, I LOVE my peonys, and Roses, and lots and lots of annual flowers to fill everything in.


This spring we are actually going to do full scale landscaping! COmplete with sprinklers and drippers on timers. We have 10 acres of forested land in western Montana so I have no shortage of space to do any kind of garden I want. :)

Looking forward to building a nice terrace garden on the hill behind my house and creating a great courtyard for entertaining in the summer since we have daylight well past 10pm in the summer. :) We spend a LOT of time outside here.

Those pictures of "waterpond"'s gardens are making me itch to get my hands in the dirt again already......ahhhh just waiting for spring thaw! :)

So the planted tank is a great distraction in the winter when all I want to do is go outside and play! :)
JDogg said:
To all the planted tank "Masters" out there (or at least those of you like me that try to keep them alive! :?)

Do you grow land plants as well?

House Plants?

Vegetable Gardens?

Flower Gardens?


Oh yeah, I'm an INSAIN gardener indoors AND out. I have WAY too many plants indoors right now. 9 amaryllis (3 about to bloom the others have been blooming since early fall), Xmas and thnaksgiving cactuses, 2 Nepenthis pitcher plants, 2 Sundews, a 3 year old poinsettia, a few Tillandsias, some Dendrobium and Oncidium orchids, a small phal orchid, a Nun's orchid, a Shefflera, a spider plant, a few ivys, A few ZZ plants, A parlor palm, an at least 15 year old golden pothos, 3 snake plants.

Outside I have Black eyed susans, A few ornamental grasses, a rhodie, astilbe, Daylillies, I plant a bunch of Impatiens on the shaded south end of my house, Bee balm, muscari,, Zinnia.

I grow American pitcher plants (sarrs.) and venus fly traps. Amazing plants!

For veggies I container grow tomatos, snap peas, red peppers most years.

I love it!

I had done planted terrariums / vivariums for years before I ever considered a planted aquarium. It's funny, I had always considered that to keep reptiles, land inverts (scorpions, crabs, mantis), or amphibians well you had to keep plants with them. At the same time, I had aquariums full of plastic plants and never once considered that you could put live plants in there. Then, in one week I saw pictures of Travis S' tank, and Amano's was like getting hit in the head with a brick. I could not believe I had kept these two hobbies separate for so many years.
My original goal with planted tanks was to get my Gourami's to breed successfully. That they have done in spades, as well as quite a few other species of fish. Breeding, Health, Color...all enhanced by plants in the environment, just like the Terrestrial animals.... heck just like me, I know a walk in the forest with Mrs Z makes me a little randy ;-)
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