Do you guys intervine or just let nature happen??

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 24, 2003
Pittsburgh PA
Forums were a little slow today so I thougth I would ask a question that came up in our little tank last night.. Well I was sitting there after being online with you guys most of the night kinda looking at the tank when I noticed one of my moon snails had Puffed up.. Well that can't be so I walk over and suddenly it is apparent that he is settling in on top of one of the Turbo snails and it is then that it comes back to me that I have been told in here before that the moon snails may go after the other snails... well I spung into action and what was really scary was the turbo on the bottom was not attached to the rock he was all the way up in his shell So he must have been a little wierded out to say the least. Well I took the Moon snail off of his shell and set him in the sand on the far side of tank checked out the Turbos shell and it seemed to be ok so I put him on the other side.. It was here the beer must have effected me cause the moon snail crawled right up too the glass, and I swear it glared at me ... before crawling away.. the turbo seemed cool as he promptly took off toward the powerhead he likes..But we have had a nice happy tank so far and I am not about to start letting a snail mess up our good Tankkarma..I am also thinking if I can keep him from eating the other snails after a while he will forget he likes them.. So I was wondering if any of you intervine when something like this comes up or do you just let the snail keep going and have his way?? It's a slow day around here and it's not a crisis or anything I mean if he kills one he's out.. and he's not gonna clean out all nine before I get home from work I mean he's a snail it's not as if he's a puffer just picking them up off the sand and rock and cracking them like bar nuts..Anyway just curious as to what you guys thought help nature if someone is in trouble or just let nature take it's course???

I would have to say that any of my tank mates attempting to injure another would mean they would be quarantined until i could find another suitable home. I dont want to keep animals that just want to kill each other. Plus that could add unwanted stress to the tank aka bad tankkarma. jmo
I always intervene. The last thing I want it to pull a dead snail or anything else for that matter out of my tank. If the cruelty of it all dosent get you the smell most certainly will.... :lol:
I am going to play the other side of the fence... If it is nature, it is going to happen while you sleep... So I let it happen in front of me... Kind of like watching The Wild Kingdom.... or Animal Planet... :lol:

I know I pay money for these animals, however, if it is their nature to stalk and kill, then I do not replace them next time...Some animals are incompatible with each other.. It is just nature...
Depends how expensive it is..... most of the time I will stop it from happening, but as timbo said it is gonna happen sooner or later while you're sleeping or off doing something else.
"it is gonna happen sooner or later while you're sleeping or off doing something else."

hehehe, you mean you do other stuff? :wink:

I intervene, I can't just sit there and watch something torment or kill something else... I've never been able to suspend my disbelief enough to think my aquariums are natural habitats... they aren't. And many of these species would never see one another in nature... but, ultimately, if I get some psycho specimen that becomes aggressive he's moved out to a better place, LFS, friend with tank, etc... I do keep in mind though, that it's not the aggressor's fault that he's aggressive...

Thanks yeah I didnt' kill him I just moved him... Like I said I am hoping that it was just me being paranoid but a carnavarios snail perched up on a herbavour that had unattachated from the rock to cower in his shell.. Well you dont' need Grissom and Warrick to figure out it was not a good situation..It may happen like you said but I dont' think I can sit here and watch it if they wanna do it do it while I'm gone.. Like me bringing girls home in high school :)
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