Do you have to have Co2 in a planted tank?

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You only need co2 if you exceed 2 to 2 1/2 wpg of lighting. There are some very inexpensive to build diy setups out of 2 liter coke bottles. Do a search on here and on google. They look very easy and cheap to build.
Yep, electrikat is dead on. CO2 makes everything much easier and your plants will love you for it, but if you don't have over 2 wpg of light it is not a necessity. A 26G tank would be fairly easy to set up with DIY CO2 and it's cheap, so you should look into it. Even low-light tanks can benefit greatly from CO2. CO2 is excellent for giving your plants an advantage over algae at any wattage level :) I've read accounts of people with 1-1.5 wpg tanks using CO2 who haven't changed their water in 6 months. I can only dream about that kind of ease of maintenance :p
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