Does anyone know about Freshwater Rays

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 23, 2007
I am interested in getting a freshwater ray but know nothing about them. What size tank should I have, what are the correct water parameters, what do they prefer to eat, what can they be housed with, are they sensitive to water changes? I need any help someone with good knowledge of them can give!!!
I know they get huge and a large tank is a must. I would recommend pm'ing Toirtis , he has experience with them I believe. They are also very expensive.
From what I know, which isnt much.... They'd probley eat eanything on the bottom. feeder Fish(maybe), pellests, shrimp, FROZEN FOOD.... Also, they like sand alot more than gravel.
The little I know about them:

most get big, as in disk diameter of 18inches
prefer sand bottom
a work, I feed them silversides, sand eels, shrimp pellets, ghost shrimp
I'm sure they'd eat market shrimp and fish as well
relatively sensitive to water conditions, but once adjusted, they do fine
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