d'oh moments

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 7, 2011
Sydney, Australia

don't put a molly into a newly set up planted tank (as a secondary measure for clearing some algae) when the plants aren't exactly rooted sufficiently yet.

the little guy started eating algae that had settled on some of the plants...and got a bit rough...with ALL my carpeted hemianthus, and hornwort. i woke up this morning and found the majority of the plants all ripped and floating! it IS my fault but he's not in my good books! lol. lucky he's a cute little guy...

nothing really else to add, just thought i'd share my "d'oh!" moment :facepalm:

anyone had anything similar?? share it!
I have a similar one, but it dosent involve a fish. Before when my tank was heavily planted, I saw a rotting plant in the back of the tank, so I decided I should go get it. Well, I reached for the dead piece with some tweezers and uprooted 7 plants thanks to my shaky hands, and ended up dropping the stainless steel tweezers in the tank, flattening all my ambulia, and almost squishing a RCS:/
Austin.b said:
I have a similar one, but it dosent involve a fish. Before when my tank was heavily planted, I saw a rotting plant in the back of the tank, so I decided I should go get it. Well, I reached for the dead piece with some tweezers and uprooted 7 plants thanks to my shaky hands, and ended up dropping the stainless steel tweezers in the tank, flattening all my ambulia, and almost squishing a RCS:/

Haha niiceeee
Other than my doh moments just starting off...

I threw away a perfectly good java fern because it looked wrinkly and bad, little did I know, that's how they really look :(

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