Doin DIY lights... help plz

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 29, 2003
Hi guys, im starting a Diy custom lighting for my 20g's nano. It will give about 100 w of lighting. Basicaly it will be in wood and maintained by fiber glass. i would just need some photos, perhaps you have some or perhaps you can indicate any sites that would help.
Tia guys
Any help will be appreciated thx

The plan is seen from the top...
No pictures, but a suggestion. If your diagram is accurate, it appears as though you will have 5 NO (I'm assuming) bulbs totaling 100w. I think it would be much more efficient, and cheaper, to instead go with power compacts. A PowerQuad, by would do great, or even 2 individual PC's if you want one bulb to turn on earlier for a "dawn" effect. Either way it will be better lighting.
:D the thing is... i already have 3 15watts on it...
im planning to add sumthin like 2 more 30w, it will cost me less than 100$ can :D

will it do the same?
For about 100 bucks you can get a dual 55 watt compact fluorescent kit from It comes with everything you would need to install in many different applications. You would have 110 watts of light and room to upgrade in the future by adding more pc's if desired. I'm not sure what the fiberglass is about? My custom hood is all wood with a 2x55 watt reflectors mounted on 3/4" standoffs right to the wood.

Here is a picture of a PowerQuad retro mounted right into the hinged lid of a canopy I made.
for $50.00 I will sell you a fulham 128w ballast pre-wired with 2 straight pin connectors.. Heck I can even throw in some used for 2 or so month 55w 10k PC bulbs

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