Dojo swam up filter overflow

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I just watched in amazement as my 5 inch golden dojo swam up into the hob filter where the water pours into the tank. It reminded me of a salmon swimming up a waterfall. I had to take it apart to get it out. Good thing I saw it because I dont know if it could have gotten back into the tank by itself. I didnt know they would do anything like this, so if you have dojo's, be aware of this behavior.
lol, my dojo is a little big to do this, he is so cramped in my 10gal, but he is one of my oldest fish and i didnt know any better when i got him. He will be another candidate for a bigger tank. Luckily i am getting a 55 for christmas.

Well, back to the original stuff, yeah, dojos sure like to explore. Definately my favorite fish(besides the dwarf puffer)
Pretty neat that he did that, but maybe you should come up with a way so it doesnt happen, BTW, make sure you have a tight fittting lid on that tank!
I've had a Kuhli Loach do that. Was cleaning the filter and sure enough he was in the bottom.
Haha I have a whisper filter where the overflow is in the water and I used to have some fish that would like to go and sit in there all the time... luckily the fan wasn't part of that @__@ lol and I had danios that used to jump those. I hate it when they do that! lol
Yes with dojo's you have to be careful. I had one jump out of the tank out of a hole so small I didn't think he could fit through. They can also swim up into the filter and get out of the tank from there.
haha, these dojo's are hilarious. So far, they hang vertically in plants, sleep slumped over the heater suction cups and appear to be dead, bury themselves in the sand, fart bubbles and shoot to the top for a drink of air, uproot my plants, will swim through your hand, and now swim up the filter overflows. Whats next? lol . These fish have good character and personality.
Burks said:
I've had a Kuhli Loach do that. Was cleaning the filter and sure enough he was in the bottom.

yepp mine too.
It has also prompted me to buy ONLY FAT kuhli loaches now.
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