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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 19, 2003
Beacon, New York
For those of you who dont know me yet, I like living on the edge. I'm not happy unless im totally stressed out. This last little fiasco proves it. I have a 55gal Reef tank that started out as a FOWLR, that i set up for one inhabitant, a Hawaiian Dragon Morey Eel. His name is Bruce. When i got him in Feb. of this year, he was about 10" long. Now he is close to 24". He has 2 tank mates, Prince a Purple Tang and Tyson a Harlequin Tuskfish, not to mention the forever depleating supplies of inverts :twisted: As far as the reef portion, I have about 17 different kinds of corals in my tank, a DSB, and 110lbs if LR.

Well, to make a long story longer, I am limited on space and figured out a way to add a 10 gal fuge under my tank, connected to my 10 gal trickle filter. I had to place my skimmer into the fuge for it all to fit right. After a while i noticed that the skimmate smelled more like plant life than fish waiste, so i decided to take the skimmer out for a while to see if the tank will benifit from having more goodies (technical term) flowing into the tank from the fuge. I removed the skimmer 3 weeks ago. DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU HAVE AN EEL IN YOUR TANK!!!! Tonight i tested my water params and this is what i got Ca 440, Alk 9.0, Amonia 0 - 10, PH 7.8, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 80+!!!! Holy crap thats high!

So, tonight I did a 10 gal water change, and i'm making more water for tomorrow. I added baking soda to the water for the PH (per Fantasy Reef's advice). I put my skimmer back into the fuge, and it is breaking in all over again (expected). I replaced my pre-filters, and my micron pads. And last but not least, i added GAC to the Sump.

Im not a religiouse man like some :wink: :wink: but if you wish to pray for me, i would not object.
What does ammonia 0 - 10 mean?

Nitrate of 80 in a DSB tank? Interesting indeed. When was your last water change? When you do a water change do you syphon your live rocks for detris.
Good morning how is everything doing this morning? Nitrate 80+...Wow!!!! You might want to get that Hawaiian Moray to a LFS until something is calmed down in that tank. Eels are very sensitive to that because they have no scales. Anyway let us know how everything is going.
FF, Amonia was between 0 and 10, its really hard to read those color cards sometimes. It has been about 2 weeks since my last water change, and yes i do try and syphon as much detris off the lr and sand as possible.

Bulldog, thanks for asking. I did not have time to test the water this morning before i left for work. I got to bed after 2 and got up late for work 8O I will test the water do another 5 gal water change when i get home. I am planning on 5 gal changes for the next few days.
You know...just as an after thought, my test kit might be shot. I have another, so will try that one as well tonight.
bulldog12 said:
Wow!!!! You might want to get that Hawaiian Moray to a LFS until something is calmed down in that tank. Eels are very sensitive to that because they have no scales..

My 175 gallon crashed last May, I lost a fortune in fish and inverts. Coincidently, the only thing that lived was an adult snowflake eel. This
one is made of pretty tuff stuff.
Well, the water params look better as of 8:00 last night. Amonia 0, PH 8.2, Nitrites 0, Nitrates between 40 and 60. I know thats still way too high for my Trates so i did a 5 gal change last night, and im making water for tonight. Today will be the 3rd day that i havent fed the tank. I will feed them tomorrow.
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