Don't no why... New fish is picking on others

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 9, 2012
The yellow one is just picking on two others in the tank already took a
Fin of the girl we got him and he is also going after my jewel. There are some smaller fish in the tank that he just ignores what's going on...

Its a 55g and I got 1green terror 1little yellow one the ones in the pic and a fire mouth and a jewel
I no the fire mouth and green terror dont mix and tried to take them out its just not that easy 4me but they seem to stay to them self if anything they only chase each other
The green terror will get huge and they have a fearsome reputation.
Your yellow fish is a yellow lab and a male by the looks of it.The dark colouring round his face suggests that he is stressed and that is probably why he is being so aggressive.
You need to rethink your stocking list.In a 55 you could have a nice selection of Malawi cichlids.If you want to keep the lab I would recommend all Mbuna and you want to go for a male to female ratio of 1 to 4 this will help with aggression.
Along with the labs you could do red zebras and perhaps albino zebras.This will give you a nice spread of colour.
Can you tell me what this one is and also that means that the jewel has to go..

Petsmart said it was a female for my lab but my lab already took off one of her fins and can I keep my jewel with my lab
Ya somthing about her not have the dots on her small bottom fin she was the only one they had rethinking my stock really like my lab but to take them out I need to empty out tank is going to take some work
Bg-mike said:
Ya somthing about her not have the dots on her small bottom fin she was the only one they had rethinking my stock really like my lab but to take them out I need to empty out tank is going to take some work

I have 6 yellow labs and none of them have spots on their anal fins.This is not a trait I have noticed in labs only in other species of mbuna.
garfy said:
I have 6 yellow labs and none of them have spots on their anal fins.This is not a trait I have noticed in labs only in other species of mbuna.

The egg spots are not a good way to sex mbuna in captivity as I have males and females with egg spots.
Here are some more pics if you can let me no what they are if you can

They may well be yellow labs.I hate to say this but your tank is not really suited for the type of cichlids you want to keep.You need a tank that's 4 foot long so the fish can establish territories.
A 55 is fine for the mbuna but you need the length in tank.

+1 I was going to say this too. A 55 gal that's 48" (4 feet) long is good for most fish (provided that they are actually compatible; Cichlids can be complicated in that regard). But a hex or round tank complicates things a lot because it limits the horizontal swim space that the fish need. So it actually creates more limitations than a "normal" length 55 gal tank would.
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