Dorsal fin twitching - Fancy Goldfish

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 3, 2015
Columbia SC
I just noticed my fancy goldfish twitch his dorsal fin. Almost like a spasm. He's done it twice that I've observed. Otherwise his fins are not clamped, but full and flowy. Anyone ever heard of this? He's eating and doing his usual thing.

The reason I'm concerned is his tankmate, a Ranchu Goldie has dropsy and is quarantined. Of course I'm not certain as to why he has dropsy. But I'm thinking that it's stress due to a couple of weeks ago having been sucked in the water changing tube. I couldn't tell you how long he was there. He was pretty beat up but his fins have healed nicely. But I had seen him swim strangely, like flip around from the side while it full motion. Ive seen him do this before but not as often. He's very round (even before the dropsy) so I just figured he was seeing what he could do. Soon after I noticed the flipping he started to pinecone. I've been worried about his buddies ever since.

I wonder if I should treat with antibiotics just in case?

If so, would it be too stressful to quarantine him in a storage tub? It would be less expensive to dose since the home tank is 65 gallons. I'm thinking a 18 gallon tub could work.

Oh, and here is my info...

I've had the Ranchu for about 8 mos. The fancy for about 2 yrs.

65 gallon with 2 HOB filters combined capacity 130 gallons.
An air stone and no heater - 73 degrees
Water changes weekly is the norm but sometimes biweekly.

My parameters are
Ph - 7.2
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 20

Any help is appreciated
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