Dream tanks.

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 7, 2012
West Sussex
Okay, here we go! Post on this thread the amount of tanks you want the sizes and what you'd stock it with! Obviously some suggestions will never ever happen lol! Here's what I'd do.

X10 5g: male betta
X3 10: female bettas
X4 10: killifish
X3 8g: shrimp tanks
X5 15g: pea puffer tanks
X30 30g: breeding tanks
X10 55g: breeding tanks
X10 100g: community tanks
X2 60g: angelfish
X3 50g: Gouramis
X2 200g: cichlids !
X10 5gal male/ female betta
X 1 70gal octagon angelfish
X3 200 gal cichlid
X3 25 gal hermit crab/ saltwater/ freshwater oddities
X2 90gal saltwater
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