Dried Shrimp

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 6, 2002
I was wondering about sun-dried shrimp. I have a container of it, and on the back it says feed two or three times a week. :? However, I have freeze dried bloodworms from the same exact brand, and it says I can feed them every day. I have a pregnant marigold swordtail, and some quickly growing fry, and I think the extra nutrients of the shrimp could be added to their every day meal mix of Hagen livebearer flakes w/tubiflex worms, and bloodworms. Is there a reason why I shouldn't feed a small amount of shrimp every day? Also, why is the shrimp "sundried" and the bloodworms "freezedried"? The brand of the shrimp and bloodworms is Tetra, if that helps.
Thanx for your help!
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