drop checker staying blue

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 18, 2011

My drop checker was green but now turned blue. I've checked for leaks and made sure the bubble rate is still 1 bubble every 2 seconds which it is for my 150 ltr tank. What could be causing the drop in co2?
What kind of CO2 are you running? Can you describe your system, especially if it is a DIY system?

How are you diffusing the CO2?

How long has it been running?

Are you using 4dKH solution in the drop checker?

Do you have a KH test kit, and a pH test kit? If so, what are the values of each?

Are you disturbing the surface of the water with filtration or a powerhead?

What kind of filtration are you using?

1 bubble every 2 seconds sounds like waaaay to slow of a rate for that size tank, regardless of the answers to the above questions... I would think in a 40gal tank, you should be aiming for more like 1-2 bubbles per second depending on your method of filtration. I run a 12 gal tank at 1bps using a glass/ceramic diffuser.
fort384 said:
What kind of CO2 are you running? Can you describe your system, especially if it is a DIY system?

How are you diffusing the CO2?

How long has it been running?

Are you using 4dKH solution in the drop checker?

Do you have a KH test kit, and a pH test kit? If so, what are the values of each?

Are you disturbing the surface of the water with filtration or a powerhead?

What kind of filtration are you using?

1 bubble every 2 seconds sounds like waaaay to slow of a rate for that size tank, regardless of the answers to the above questions... I would think in a 40gal tank, you should be aiming for more like 1-2 bubbles per second depending on your method of filtration. I run a 12 gal tank at 1bps using a glass/ceramic diffuser.

Hi thanks for getting back to me.

It runs for 6 and a half hrs a day. I use a glass defuser. Lights are on 8 hrs a day. Kh is about 10 and Ph about 7.8 . I am using 4dkh and do have water surface movement. Would you say it is just a lack of co2 then?
Yes, absolutely. You need to increase the CO2 production, and decrease surface movement.
fort384 said:
Yes, absolutely. You need to increase the CO2 production, and decrease surface movement.

Okay thanks for the advice ill do that. :)
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