Duckweed just ups and disappears!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 3, 2003
Florida, USA
I just added almost 3 cups of duckweed to my 29gal tank this past tuesday, I believe it was.

All of it but a single piece has up and disappeared!

It did not die, because theres no dead pieces anywhere..

Its just up and disappeared!

I've watched my fish closely, and no one seems to be eating it..

So I don't know what the hecks going on, its like aliens are abducting it or something 8O 8O 8O

Does anyone have any clues?


This isn't the first time its happened, EVERY time I add duckweed to the 29 it disappears.

I don't have that problem in any of my other tanks that have duckweed in it..
Looking at your sig for the 29, I don't see anything there that I think would eat it, or at least not much.

In any case, I wish I had that problem! My duckweed multiplies faster than I can keep up with scooping it out.
I love duckweed, I have it in most my tanks, cept for the 29.

Its like the 29 is a dark abyss in space that swallows up nothing but duckweed in a mystical, magical sort of way.

Not sure where the duckweed can be going, but I know in my tank that I put it in, I have noticed my redtailed sharks will nip at it. Not sure if they are eating it or what, but just wanted to say.
Yeah I noticed that, but saw that you did have a shark, even if it is a bala. Not sure if they would do like my redtails do or not. IT is a thought though, that if the fish nip at it, they may eat it. OTher than that, I really couldnt guess where it woudl be going to. I know some of mine has actually gotten to the bottom of the tank, and stays there. It really likes my driftwood, looks like I have a tree or shrub growing in the bottom of my tank. Also have some stuck to the gravel, and other plants.
It could definitely be the Bala Shark...I had one (many years ago) that actually ate some of the plastic plants I had in the tank.
I never saw him show any interest in it, tho..

and I did watch, for a long while over the course of several days to see who the culprit may have been.

The only thing my Bala does is try to eat ghost shrimp, and hes having a hard time at that since hes down to the fastest and smartest one left. :D
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