Dwarf gourami and guppy

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 7, 2011
Sheffield, UK
Has anyone successfully kept fancy guppies with dwarf gouramis?

I have a male and female blue dwarf gourami in my 33g 3ft long and I'm looking to add 1 male and 2 female fancy guppies.
Has anyone successfully kept fancy guppies with dwarf gouramis?

I have a male and female blue dwarf gourami in my 33g 3ft long and I'm looking to add 1 male and 2 female fancy guppies.

Hello Rich...

The Dwarf Gourami is a very peaceful fish, but has a mouth large enough to make a snack of Fancy Guppy fry. I wouldn't recommend keeping large fish with small fish. Even peaceful, larger fish will make a target of a very colorful male Guppy. It's best to keep Guppies by themselves or possibly with small varieties of Corydoras.

If you decide to keep Fancy Guppies, keep them in their own tank and don't go to the expense of buying male Guppies, just get females. Most are kept with the males anyway, so will already be pregnant. Eventually, you'll have plenty of males.

I would definitely say give it a shot! I have had Guppies in with my Dwarf Gourami for a while now and he really doesn't mind them. Especially in a planted tank with floating plants, Dwarf Gouramis tend to stay to themselves. Since your tank is so big the Gourami will be able to establish a territory and the Guppies will learn to stay away.
I think I will try them. I have a 17g with cardinals and glow lights in that I could rehome them in if need be.
I have a male flame dwarf in with my male guppies in a 55 gallon tank. They all get alone splendidly, he even occasionally zooms around the tank with them.
The experiment failed! I got 1 male and 2 female guppy yesterday. Male was missing this morning. Just found him dead. :(

Don't think the gourami was to blame though. Probably the stress of introduction or the attention he was getting from my 2 yoyo loach.

I rehomed the females to my 17g and will get another male to join them.
Sorry for your loss.

It may have been bad stock. These days, Fancy Guppies have been inbreed so much they are not nearly as healthy as they were just 5 years ago.
Thanks, could be bad stock. The 2 females are still alive up to now. I'm trying a different lfs tomorrow, so I'll see if they last a little longer than 24hrs!

Was thinking about turning my 17g into a guppy tanks, so I guess my mind has been made up for me now ;)
I agree that bad stock was more likely. Assuming the guppy body didn't show a ton of damage to it.
IMO, dg are peaceful as far as gouramis go, but they are still territorial fish. Whether or not they work out in any given community depends on the individual personlaity of the dg. I suppose that more often than not, they do ok in communities, but you have a pair and that opens up a door for more potential aggression issues. Still, it depends on the dg. :)
I don't think there would necessarily be an issue with guppies (like bettas tend to have) though, so it may be worth trying again. :) Up to you.
I've had guppies with my two dwarf gouramis without any problems for over a year. Now I'm only left with a Pearl Gourami and three guppies in a tank and everything is still OK. In fact, I just bought (today) another three guppies, so the other three have someone to play with and will give my mollies some rest :)
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