Dwarf Gourami experts needed!

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 21, 2014
Hey, just wondering if anyone has had success with a school of male dwarf gourami? I just don't want to risk having fry I cannot house or move. I was thinking 5 or so. I'm working on getting my tank heavily planted so they would have spots to call their own. Its a 20g tall. All comments much appreciated.

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I have two male DG and they fight like crazy. with a group it's most likely that they will team up to murder a smaller one and you'll probably end up with two if you're lucky. One male or a group of females is best. I suggest getting either a make for a centrepiece fish or a 2:1 F to M, the only problem I know of with two females and one male is that they do get a bit aggressive while mating.

Good luck!
Yes, I've read the numbers have to be higher to neutralize the aggression. I just wanted someone one here with experience that I trust to verify that to be true. I see them housed at the pet store this way, but I know that's not always a good example. I was hoping with heavy plants (floating also) and driftwood hiding spots I'd have success.

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Yes, I've read the numbers have to be higher to neutralize the aggression. I just wanted someone one here with experience that I trust to verify that to be true. I see them housed at the pet store this way, but I know that's not always a good example. I was hoping with heavy plants (floating also) and driftwood hiding spots I'd have succes

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I agree with not always trusting let stores, especially PetSmart, I learned that the hard way. Hiding spots do help with males but in the end, one will be cornered after another resulting in not even half as many dwarf gouramis as you bought. Just suggesting having either three females and one-two males or only females:p Trust me, I have experience with DG and I've spoken to many people for further knowledge in order to provide you with a good answer. Hope this helps!
Well I am not an expert by any means at all, but I had 3 a while ago, everything went fine for months, that is until one died of a parasite, then it became a war to the death :-(, since there was just one, he was going crazy, I got two females.. Since it has been about 5 months, I have never seen fry, I have danios, tetras and mollies that eat the eggs I guess. If you have other fish I think you could be fine with a couple if you want to be safe :)
Oh I have 5 danios, I hadn't thought of them eating the eggs. Well that's encouraging. Ok, so could I do 2m:3f?

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I think that would be fine.. My males doesn't seem to bug the females at all :)
I have 2 honey DG and I haven't any problems, I'm not sure if there make or female... Does anyone know how to check that and also they sometimes go face to face and use there two whisker things( not sure what there called ha) and they like just touch each other with them. Does anyone know what that means exactly?
The "antennas" under the belly are longer in the male I believe, but for normal dwarf gouramis it's coloration male :ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1396669379.560165.jpg
ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1396669403.044893.jpg
Sorry for the pics lol I just took them didn't have any of my gouramis :)
Haha its ok thank you! but about my two using there attenas to fight? play? mate? do you know what there doing exactly? They just go in front of each other and touch each others anttenas?
The "antennas" under the belly are longer in the male I believe, but for normal dwarf gouramis it's coloration male :View attachment 231803
View attachment 231804
Sorry for the pics lol I just took them didn't have any of my gouramis :)
I know that they use them to mate for sure, but maybe also to communicate ? I never really looked into my gouramis, they were some of my first fish and I never researched them.. I might do some googling tomorrow lol
Multiple Gouramis are generally not kept together for obvious reasons. I've heard of schools of them working but I wouldn't expect that to be a common result in every case. Gourami also breed by bubble nest. So if there is too much surface agitation they may never breed because of the inability to float their eggs.
Honey Gouramis are MUCH more peaceful than DGs. Also they have taste buds on their feelers.
So touching with feelers isn't fighting. Just checking things out.
Fighting involves flared fins and biting.

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Honey gourami are much more peaceful than dwarf. I have 3, 2 males and one female. Thought they were 2 famales but one ended up being male. Even with that though, there is no fighting at all. Haven't even seen much chasing between the 2 males, they're just really passive.

I'm no expert, these are the first gouramis I've kept. But had them for 6 months now and have seen no aggression with the honey gourami
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