dwarf gourami has a sore

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 18, 2009
Ontario Canada
My DG got a weird thing that looked sort of like a pimple a few weeks back. I put stress coat and put a bit of aquarium salt in with water changes. It seemed to get better. The tip came off leaving a scar that looked like it was healing over. I just noticed today it looks a little sunken in and a bit red. I don't think it's hole in the head but maybe an ulcer. I tried to google different things and the ulcer seemed to fit best. He seems happy as a clam...swimming, eating, picking on his tankmates as usual. I don't have a hospital tank. I'm new at this stuff. I didn't know anything about cycling a tank so he was in there through the whole cycle and I'm sure it took a toll on the poor lil' guy. I did loads of water changes so the levels never got too high. The tank is cycled now...ammonia 0ppm, nitrites 0ppm, nitrates 10ppm. Not sure what I should do and would an ulcer be contagious? I just put some stresscoat in and started with salt again. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
my paradise fish got a couple of ulcers when i got her back from the fish store, i just made sure she wasn't stressed, added some melafix for 5 days or so, did more regular partial water changes, and they seem to have totally gone now (2 weeks later). from what i have read you don't have to worry too much about ulcers, so long as the fish/tankmates don't have any other diseases, and they should go away with very clean water and peaceful environment.
good luck!
I'll get some of that melafix. I almost bought some the other day. I hope it goes away...he's a real cute fish. Thanks for the info. :)
I just googled melafix and it said not to use it with labyrinth fish....does something bad to their labyrinth organ. Anyone have any experience with this?
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