Dying Oto Cat

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 13, 2013
I was checking up on my otos this morning and I noticed that one of my three otos had red marks at the base of his fins and tail. I tried looking up some information but got caught up with my day. Now poor Auto is almost panting, still has the red marks, is laying on his side, and can only really seem to twitch his tail.

Does anyone have a clue what's going on? If it's too late for Auto I want to make sure Bertie and Bots can stay healthy.
Sounds like fin rot , even if visible fin it's missing red iterated base Is quite common , and I'm not sure but could be treated with antibiotics
Sounds like fin rot , even if visible fin it's missing red iterated base Is quite common , and I'm not sure but could be treated with antibiotics
Doesn't fin rot eat away at the fins? The red marks are at the base of complete fins where it connects to the body.
Yes fin rot would normally do that but wen the base it irrtated the fish has trouble swimming the fins wil start to deteriorate , like I said I think it's cure-able
Not the best picture, but I didn't want to turn the poor thing onto it's back for the sake of a photo. The red on his tail is at the base of all of it's fins.

Yes fin rot would normally do that but wen the base it irrtated the fish has trouble swimming the fins wil start to deteriorate , like I said I think it's cure-able

Alright, let's see...clean warm water...I don't have a read QT for it to go into right now, but I'll figure something out with tupperware or something. This way the others hopefully won't get sick too.
Ah man I have seen that before I swear ah but I just don't know what it is , I thought it was fin rot but now I have a picture it's something different , I'm sorry it's bugging me now ahha cause I know I just can't honk of the name , but be quick he may get worse by the day good luck
Otos are really sensitive fish and often die for no reason. I couldn't keep them alive for more than a couple months. Just touchy fish. It could be an injury
Ah man I have seen that before I swear ah but I just don't know what it is , I thought it was fin rot but now I have a picture it's something different , I'm sorry it's bugging me now ahha cause I know I just can't honk of the name , but be quick he may get worse by the day good luck

If you think of it please let me know. He's seperated now and at least Bertie doesn't have it (that I can see) Bots refused to comply with my wishes and won't latch onto the glass.

Looks like I'm just going to have Bertie Bots to put into my 45 gallon once it's cycled.
Auto died.

His stomach turns yellowish and his under jaw was pinkish.

Poor Auto the oto cat.


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