Eagle Eyes

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 22, 2011
I bought a small frag of eagle eyes a month or so ago. They did fine...new little ones were popping up.... everything was going great. The colors were beautiful. Then one morning I walked in and the frag, that I thought was secure, was face down in the sand- probably the work of one of my turbo snails or my urchin. I got it up & secured it better. It took several days but it finally started to open up some. I had counted up to 18 little..... whatever they're called.... now, after @ 2 weeks there are maybe 5-7 opened- the rest are still there, just closed up tight. One or two of the opened ones have some color, the others are a yucky brown..... When I turn on the blue lights the edges still glow bright yellow but in normal light the whole thing is just brown...... I'm not sure if the fall into the sand is causing all of these problems but I'd sure like to know if there's anything I can do to get the beautiful colors back... I moved it a little closer to the light.... not too close.... I hear they turn white if they get too much light. I've also been shooting the "juice" & small particles from the frozen food near it. I used reef snow @ once a week and the color stuff, too..... but I always do that. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Oh.... I also found a better glue for underwater objects so hopefully we'll have no more of these kinds of accidents.
stop shooting juice and reef snow and all of that stuff. all it's going to do is foul your water.
what kind of lighting are these under?
i was told reef snow was a good feeder product and good for feedign corals

doug how do you feed yours?
i don't feed soft corals and sps anything. they get plenty from light and fish poop. i only feed lps, and and i use the same home made frozen food i make.

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