Eclipse 2 Light Upgrade

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 6, 2005
I have a tight budget and want to know how would i upgrade the light on my Eclipse 2 top. Im running 2-15w bulbs now in a 25gallon tank, one is white and the other one is blue. Does that mean its still 30w im running? Is there a link i can look at in how i can change my top. I heard about the retrofit kits but where can i find them? and how much lighting i should have in my 25gallon if i have corals like a frogspawn and i would like to have an amemone too.
I think 25 gallon is a little small for a full on reef tank. The water parameters will change very rapidly, and what is a very small problem in a larger tank, will be catastrophic in a smaller tank. I think the Eclipse top is pretty limited as to what their wattage rating is. Look on the paperwork it came with or on the actual top for a sticker that says maximum wattage.. Probably going to have to make a mini canopy or purchase a different hood type lighting system. ( im not even sure if anyone makes them for such a small tank.
You can always find a pendant MH unit and clip it on the tank if you want to house pretty much any coral you want...
schoeplein said:
You can always find a pendant MH unit and clip it on the tank if you want to house pretty much any coral you want...

but my eclipse 2 top will be a waste and i have need a skimmer
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