Eco Complete and Cloudy Water

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 16, 2003
Maryland, USA
I need more Eco Complete for my tank. A friend has some that he used for about a year, it been sitting in a bag in his room for the last month. He'll give it to me for 10 bucks. Will Eco Complete that's a year old still be as beneficial to plants as a new bag would.

By the way I've been taking everybody's advice on plants. I'm that one that posted "My Plants Keep Dying". Recently I've started a 20 gallon and moved everything in my 10 over. This January I'm going to put in a hagen CO2 system and get some lighting from ahsuppy. So hopefully I'll get some better results this time.

By the way my water was clear in my 20 for almost 1 week, then it got a milky cloudy for some reason. Any suggestions?

its probably a bloom, though memory fails me in remembering if its bacteria or algae. it will clear up, just give it some time. your tank is in its second week of 'life' correct?
As long as the bag of Eco-Complete is sealed and you can still see all the water, it should be fine.
actually let me clarify my question. The Eco is used it spent one year in his tank, then he took it out and put something different it in. Now's it been sitting around for the last month out of the tank. Since it's been lying around to open air the last month, is it still beneficial to a planted tank?

well, I come home saturday night and notice my new cory and bought was dead. So I finally broke down and bought a nitrite/nitrate test kit. That came up normal. I then checked my Ammonia and it was through the roof. Even though the tank is cyleling from reading everybody else's post on here about ammonia naturally I did a 50% water change and added Ammo Lock. Sunday I didn't touch it. This monday morning before I life my apt, I had just enough time to do a 25% water change. Am I doing the right thing? and what could've caused this? I found out my bozo friend who gave me the tank cleaned it with windex. thanks for Everyones help.

I have eco-complete in my planted tank and i would think you'd be much better off spending the extra $10 to get a new 20 lb bag. Eco-Complete is "No rinsing - packed in Liquid Amazon buffered "Black Water" solution for immediate organic water conditioning. Contains all mineral nutrients needed for luxuriant aquatic plant growth. Includes live Heterotrophic bacteria to rapidly convert fish waste into natural food for your plants." (as described at the site below) I would think that by using this old, used eco-complete you'd be missing out on some of the benifits you get with a new bag.

you can get 20lbs here for $18 ($23 with shipping):
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