eeek I squished my first snail...YUCK

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 25, 2004
So I have a small snail problem in my 55. Not a huge one, but I do find some snails from time to time. I used to wash them down the drain, but I didn't know how slowly they would die in a septic tank so I stopped that. Then I just started throwing them outside. I have read before how people just squish them and let the fish eat the remains and today... I tried it. The whole crunching business was so yucky but my rams gobbled up the meaty stuff and they LOVE it. Will I become desensitized eventually to the crunching of shell? If not, I will just keep throwing them out to the birds.
It should get a bit easier...but never really easy I imagine. Just tell yourself that you are sparing yourself much trouble in the future by getting rid of them now. And feeding your fish a varied diet at the same time. :)
It might help if you squish them with something other than your fingers. You could try squishing them against the glass with a rubber pencil eraser.
I have aqua gloves I usually use for that. Although, I don't really mind squashing them with just my fingers. :twisted:
I think so long as I catch them when they are small, squishing wont be so bad. But there is one snail in my betta tank that has gotten quite large and he is more of a pet now than pest. I don't think I could squish that one.
never had a probelm with crushing them, but one time i was cleaning out my in tank filter, and i was taking it to the sink. I guess a few snails fell off the filter, and i stepped on them. Man, was that disgusting. The crunch and feeling...ewwww :?
What I don't like is the crunching sound when I squish snails. Yecch! I feel the same way about smashing those big American cockroaches (also called palmetto bugs). At least the little German roaches die quietly.
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