Eggs? Whose? (w/Photos)

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jun 25, 2014
Cape Coral, Florida
In a largish freshwater tank this morning I saw a pile of round spherical translucent... I assume eggs.

Was busy, so came back in an hour or so with a camera and they were gone. Well, after a bit of searching... moved. Now it is possible they moved in the current, but I found them over 18" away, still in a pile. So if they are sticky... maybe current.

In the tank are:

One angel (I know what theirs look like - not even close)
Five BN Plecos
14 Congo tetras
6 Siemens algae eaters
One Oto
A few sailfin molleys (live bearers)
Ramshorn snails (definitely not those)
MTS (live bearers)

So what might these be?

I should note I use gelcaps with osmocote+ in them, but these are the wrong shape, and I haven't added any in over a month.

Here's the pile:


And one tiny group that was separated near the tank edge:


As to scale, I'd guess about 1-2mm; the big stem in the second photo is jungle val.
Hmm.... I dont raise egg laying fish only LB, Lets hope my get some experts in here ;)

What is an MTS?
Op, I'd place my bets on the SAE's.

Hmmm... big in comparison, and I thought they didn't breed without hormones in captivity?

But I don't know. I was kind of thinking congos just for scale of size.

But there's no structure visible inside -- that's why I am not even sure they are eggs.
Maybe BN plecos? The last pic seems they are already hatched?

That's certainly possible, the pictures I see online are similar, though these were completely white, not yellow -- but maybe that is a sign of them hatching.

Do the parents clean the eggs out of their nest? we do have plecos breeding in that tank, we see young ones periodically (so far only one made it to a safe size, it's a community tank with lots of fish willing to invite young fry to lunch).

All the eggs disappeared by that afternoon of the same day, incidentally.
That's certainly possible, the pictures I see online are similar, though these were completely white, not yellow -- but maybe that is a sign of them hatching.

Do the parents clean the eggs out of their nest? we do have plecos breeding in that tank, we see young ones periodically (so far only one made it to a safe size, it's a community tank with lots of fish willing to invite young fry to lunch).

All the eggs disappeared by that afternoon of the same day, incidentally.

Somebody had sushi.

Maybe they were very fresh eggs and hadn't turned darker yet. Personally haven't had babies yet, so it was just a guess, though i think I noticed breeding behavior in mine a few days ago. :brows: Always have had plenty of Cories who like to snack. :ermm: I imagine the snack stealers grab n go...
I know the male will guard the "nest" especially well if there is a cave or pot or tube where the eggs get laid.
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