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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 7, 2012
So i have a male jack and female jag in a tank to themselves , i came home today and noticed that my jag has laid eggs on a piece of slate the eggs are now a light tan color with a white tip, im excited to see how happens next, any suggestions on how to get a high percentage of the fry suriving, any advice is welcome and is appreciated


You more than likely aren't going to get any fry. Do different species of cichlids like those aren't going to mate. Not sure if it's ever happened before, but the odds aren't good for you. Just allow the female to protect the eggs for several days to get everything out of her system then remove the slate so you can clean the eggs off. They should start brownish and if they start turning white then they aren't fertilized so they'll just start desolving.
Closely related Cichlids may crossbreed. If they do, it's not good IMO. Mutt fish aren't the goal.

Apparently people have crossed these two species. Always always be honest if/when you sell Hybrids !!!!! Many crosses are not what they are sold as.

You may lose the eggs, even with normal pairs of same species, the first batch don't always make it.
Yea i npticed the eggs last night they were brown and still are brown this morning she is constantly fanning them off and very protective over them

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