Electric Blue Breeding Project

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Right now I have 2 Tiger Barbs, 2 Bala Sharks, 1 Common Pleco, and 1 Red-Tailed Shark in there with them just to keep them company until they get bigger.
Here is number 2. He finally came out to say hi.

I notice they are getting more active the longer they stay in there. Hopefully this continues.

I got these guys from PetZone based out of San Diego, California.

Got them on Ebay. Basically just told them that I was trying to breed them and that I wanted the best looking / biggest ones they had and they said they would try their best to make me happy.

Really nice people. Super fast shipping.
ha um not real sure. Im in North West Oregon. I would say Drive time you are looking at least 20 + hours. Not super far... but still quite a ways.

They next day shipped them. Supposed to be here at 10:30am but got here at like 9:00am
so how long do you think your next batch of fry that you just had will take to grow. Im thinking if I give these guys a good couple months to grow then I should be able to buy some of those from you?
One more picture of both of my Blue Dempseys together! They are swimming all over the place now.

Hey All,

Got a question. Last night I noticed one of my new EBJD's was scratching or so called "flashing" on decor. Is this ich? I tried looking for "white spots" but really could not see anything much. There might have been a little spec/salt grain on its fin.

I assumed this is ich and treated with API Super Ich Medication. I removed carbon and followed directions based on 5ML per 5 Gallons of water.

Question is its alright to have this in there even if it ain ich correct?

My readings are 7.2 0 0 10

I wouldn't have treated anything without being sure. Sometimes they just get a little itchy. I would have been worried if it was constant flashing
Well Hopefully it wont hurt them. I am going to watch tonight and see what it does.
I am extremely interested in this thread keep it going and good luck :) someday maybe I'll be messaging you for advice on how to do something similar
Normally I don't like using medication/chemicals in my tanks. More of a naturalist. I usually medicate with aquarium salt but I'm guessing it'll be fine. I'd do a few small pwc's over the next couple days and put your carbon filters back in. Dempsey's of all kinds are pretty resilient fish so i don't think you have much to worry about.
Hey all,

Just a little update. I finished up my medication process tonight. Just put in some activated carbon in the sump to soak up all the meds that I put in there.

As of right now I have 2 Bala Sharks, 2 Tiger Barbs, 1 Pleco, 1 Red-Tail Shark and the 2 EBJD's. I noticed yesterday that the Bala Sharks look to have what looks like a few scales missing on their bodies... Is this due to the medication you think?

Anyhow I am removing the Medication with the carbon as I no longer see "white spots" on the pleco and the ones that were on the EBJD's fins have seemed to drop off.

The fish seem to be fine and whatnot so I figure Ill take out the meds and if this pops up again which I hope it will not, Ill use aquarium salt and raise the temp next time.

But as for the EBJD's they seem to be happy. They cruise around the tank and are VERY Social. When I come up the the tank its like I have a bunch of African Cichlids in the tank as they all are ready for some food.

Ha the EBJD's even will bite at the cup as I fill it with water to thaw their food... But yes they are doing good so far. Have not noticed any growth obviously since it has only been about a week and a half I have had them.

Currently I have the temp at about 79-80 degrees. You think that is pretty good? or should I raise it a little bit more? Water readings are strong and normal. Although its a little easier to keep them that way when you have a 90 gallon with only 8 little tiny fish lol.

Get back at me.
Those who have EBJD's what have you experienced with their growth rate?

How big should my Blues be before putting in female Jacks?
I've always raised the females with the males from young. Well...not being able to sex them so young I basically didn't have a choice but you could probably introduce bgjd females whenever, as long as they are substantially smaller than the EBJD'S.
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