Electric blue ram struggling to breathe

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 6, 2012
Hello, so, I purchased an electric blue from my lfs today, and he isnt breathing well... I acclimated him for a good two hours, and placed him gently inside the tank. He went straight for the ground, and flopped on his side. :/ I decided he needed oxygen? So I placed him in a netted breeder box close to my filter. He looks a little better, but I'm being wary of splayed out fins and swollen gills. I have the lights off to try to calm him down.

Is there anything else that could help? I'm really worried he might die, because its happened to me before.
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Darky said:
Hello, so, I purchased an electric blue from my lfs today, and he isnt breathing well... I acclimated him for a good two hours, and placed him gently inside the tank. He went straight for the ground, and flopped on his side. :/ I decided he needed oxygen? So I placed him in a netted breeder box close to my filter. He looks a little better, but I'm being wary of splayed out fins and swollen gills. I have the lights off to try to calm him down.

Is there anything else that could help? I'm really worried he might die, because its happened to me before.

Looks to me that negotiating shock!!! Or super stressed. Turn your lights off, to see if he improves, at this point, I would release him from the net, and wait....
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