Elegance Coral Sick?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 19, 2006
Hey guys my elegance coral was doing great until about a week ago, it was all big and healthy looking. Now it is for the most part shriveled up and has this mucous on the fleshy part. The first time I noticed this I picked the coral up by the skeleton and shook off the mucous, grabbed the mucous with a net and tossed it out, however it came back. So I repeated the removal one more time only to find within a day it had some more mucous.

So what do I do to help the coral out?

Water parameters are all in line

0 Ammonia
0 Nitrites
0 Nitrates
0 Phosphates
420 PPM Calcium
PH @ 8.4

Also I had been feeding the coral zooplankton about 2-3 times a week in addition to a 8 hour photo period.
sounds like it has brown jelly, not a good thing usually the coral will die. Do a search on it.
I have done iodine dips on a couple coral after cutting off the infected part of the coral. I have save a couple corals and lost some also after getting this.
A pic would help with the ID with the mucous on it. this needs to happen fast I lost an nice tourch in 4 days.
Ok so it sounds like I need to remove this coral, siphon off the jelly and then just dip it in a bucket of Lugol's Solution?

How long do I dip it in for and do I rinse it in fresh saltwater after the dip before placing it back in my tank?
Elegance corals are hard to keep and not the hardiest of corals. Thanks Steven for the good link on brown jelly disease. If you ever get that other link on the mystery disease let me know.

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