Elictric yellow cichild change colour

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 14, 2013
I have a elictric yellow cichild that changes colour he goes black stripey wit a bit of blue it seams to happen when he is not that active I no it happens when he is stressed but when he is resting he changes as well any thoughts
I have a elictric yellow cichild that changes colour he goes black stripey wit a bit of blue it seams to happen when he is not that active I no it happens when he is stressed but when he is resting he changes as well any thoughts

I'm pretty sure that's not a lab, it's got to be a peacock of sorts
Could be a pseudotropheus saulosi, they change from yellow to blue as they mature. (I believe it's yellow to blue)
Here's examples of my saulosi. Yellow is female an blue black is male that's almost changed over


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Thanks that puts me at ease i thought he was sick Will he keep changing or will he stay blue all the time . thanks
Thanks that puts me at ease i thought he was sick Will he keep changing or will he stay blue all the time . thanks

If its a saulosi he will stay blue and black. If he becomes sub dominant he could show yellow hints sometimes mixed in
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