Emerald crab caught and ate clownfish? WTF?!

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Agent Kooper

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 4, 2013
Had in tank 2 small clown fish(about 1.5 inches each), a yellow clown goby, a cleaner shrimp and a few snails. And an emerald crab. When I went to bed last night all fish were healthy and happy. No signs of illness or stress in tank. Tank is cycled, water parameters great, etc.

I woke up this morning and one of the clowns was missing without a trace. Finally was able to spot the emerald crab eating him in a cave.

How common is this? It's the last thing I was expecting. Crab has been great so far. Leaves the corals alone, seems happy eating the algae wafers I throw in from time to time.
If you didn't actually see the crab catch him, then he probably didn't catch him. He's probably just nibbling on the clown cause he's dead. All crabs do this.
If you didn't actually see the crab catch him, then he probably didn't catch him. He's probably just nibbling on the clown cause he's dead. All crabs do this.

Yeah, that's possible, or perhaps probable. It just seems odd because the clowns were doing great. No sign of illness or stress. I'll presume the crab innocent for now, but if there's another mysterious death he might get the boot.

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