Emergency!!! Curing fish with a bite wound!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 13, 2005
Brooklyn NY
I have had a Purple-Spot gudgeon for last three months and I don't want to loose it!!!!! This morning I noticed something that looks like a bite wound on its side. It was still behaving ok, 3-4 hours ago, but now it sits on the gravel motionless. It breathes ok, but I'm worried the wound is serious. What do I do?
You could try putting some slime coat stuff in the water. Do you have a quarantine tank?
The only thing I have been told about treating wounds is to actually hold the fish and apply iodine to disinfect. There has to be a better way but this is from the LFS and the only advice I have been given. Hopefully others will give you more first hand advice.
What about some Melafix. I use it in my tanks when I get fin-nipping. I think it will safely suppress many opportunistic bacteria from infecting a wound. I have always had good luck with Melafix for fin wounds, but no experience with body wounds.
i second the melafix and even the betadine treatement if you have some, id just net the fish out, dab some on the wound, and put him back. For the melafix youd have to actually treat the entire tank or usa a QT tank
You cannot net a puffer & hold it's mouth out of water. It could be deadly, if it puffs w/air.
The gudgeon looks better and is swimming normally today. I'm worried about infection though.

You could try putting some slime coat stuff in the water. Do you have a quarantine tank?
Did it. I do have QT, but there is Silver Dollar in it being treated from ICH.

i second the melafix and even the betadine treatement if you have some, id just net the fish out, dab some on the wound, and put him back. For the melafix youd have to actually treat the entire tank or usa a QT tank
What are Melafix and Betadine and are they usually available in LFS?

You cannot net a puffer & hold it's mouth out of water. It could be deadly, if it puffs w/air.
Actually, a Purple-Spot Gudgeon is not a puffer, but a sort of gobby-like fish known as Australian Gobbies.

what bit it? or who is the likely culpret? you might want to look into fixing the problem before it happens again..
I's very difficult to say. Though this fish has predatory feeding behaviour (it jumps at any food as if it was a live food) and is one of the largest in the tank, it in not agressive at all towards other fish. Even smoller mollies or a swordtail try to nib it during feeding. Please, look at my updated signature right below and try to guess who would be able to do it.
Sorry, I'm so used to answering puffer Qs. melafix can be found in most LFS--betadine, at your drugstore.
Melafix you can get at the fish store, betadine is for people so you can get it at a drug store, but you don't want to dose it directly into your water. YOu just want to net the puffer up, dab him with it on the sore, and put him right back in the water. You can treat the entire tank with melafix.. awesome stuff

EDIT: im sorry, i thought i read someone say it was a puffer?
Pictus Cat... theres the likely one.. IMO

edit-you guys are too funny.. I was thinking "what puffer?" but just went ahead and typed what I was thinking.. I think you need to change your username to pufferfreak pufferpunk.. :p JK by the way.. its good to have you on board.. alot of puffer Q's here.. :p
There's already a Pufferfreak on the boards somewhere. Also, I'm an old punk rocker from the 70's. The name fits me perfectly!
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