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Seriously, replying to yourself is not going to get people to help you any faster. It is unfortunate what happened to your fish, the best thing to do now would be to leave the fish alone, do a small water change, and let the fish be. I do not feel any of the meds you have are appropriate and could make the fish worse. I would reccomend a half dose of a broad spectrum antibiotic if you get the chance. I would cover the tank as well, a fish will be less stressed in a dark area.

no....no......i dont think hes stressed, i think hes sick..How can i treat him, i hav meds

Stress is what causes fish to get sick.
I am 14 years old, I cant just go to the petstore and buy crap any time, plus I stayed home from school sick today! :evil:
Maracyn 2 will be fine since that is all you have. Seriously, just add the meds (half strength) and leave the fish alone in the dark for a while. Worrying about the fish and moving the fish around a lot and trying different things past this is just going to make it worse.
I agree with TankGirl and grimlock3000. Use the Maracyn 2 and see what happens. Also, I agree with grimlock3000 that stress=sick fish, and I suspect the other fish he's with are stressing him. I would seriously consider leaving him in the 5 gallon tank by himself.

I hope you feel better too!
Thanks Guys! I went to the doctor today and I have strep throat. I am about to give the poor little guy meds now. Hes doing worse and is sitting at the bottom, I covered his tank with a towel earlier though. We'll see what happens.
AWWWWWW!!!!!!!! :cry: :cry: When I went in the room to give him meds, he was dead. :cry: I buried him in the backyard. Poor little guy, I knew he wasnt going to make it. :( RIP Fire......
I'm sorry it ended that way, but am glad he did not suffer for too terribly long. Do you have any idea what caused this?
I think it was caused by that dumb molly he was with. I have this huge spot of land w/ Fire, Bob(albino clawed frog), and Goldie and Bubbles(goldfish) buried there. Its so sad when a fishie dies.
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