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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 28, 2012
In a quiet home located deep in the hills of Vermo
I have a 10 gallon tank that I have had set up for 4-5 weeks now with what seemed to be 8 healthy platy ( 4 red wag and 4 gold twin-barred platy) I woke up this morning to a aquarium with 7 happy platy and one unfortunate one. It was a red wag platy. I was a little disappointed but I took him out and put him in a bowl of water (just to make sure he was dead). I then come back an hour later to find another red wag platy dead. By now I am thinking it must be the water but I didn't have any test kits. So I took the other dead fish out and also put him in a bowl. I left for a few
hours to try and get a test kit but I wasn't able to find any. I then come back to my tank to find this time a dead gold twin. I go to take out the fish when a see a fry swim behind a plastic plant. I didn't know what to do. So I took out the dead fish and then checked the tank to see if I could find the fry again. I was looking through the tank and found 6 fry. I took those out only to find more fry. Wanting to try to save all the fry I took out all the decorations from tank. I ended up capturing 15 fry and I put them in a separate bowl with water from the tank. I then started to clean the tank with my gravel vacuum to see I I could find any more fry but I didn't. I ended up taking about 3-4 gallons out of my tank but I replaced the water and the decorations. But now my fish in my tank don't seem to be the same.

I need to know what to do about my fish and my fry ASAP. Any advice would help!!
Hi and welcome to AA!
Do you use a dechlorinator when doing water changes/when the tank was set up?
What is the temp in the tank?
Its possible they could have been stressed usually for that size tank 3-5 platies would be best.
Without knowing the exact levels of the tank its hard to determine the cause of death without seeing any physical signs. If you search Amazon.com you can find the API test kit relatively cheap. Just keep am eye on the fish and do water changes when needed until you get a kit.
If you can't afford another tank it would be best to add tons of cover in the tank you have. Java moss, more plants, and decoration will all aid in the survival rate.

Fry typically need very clean water. Given the recent deaths and the number of fish you have in a ten gallon you should be doing very frequent water changes. In a ten gallon this shouldn't be a problem.

Fry also need to eat frequently...if you've got some very finely crushed flakes that may work. Keep in mind that increased feeding results in increased water changes.

Also!! Congrats on the babies
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