endlers picking on fancy guppies

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 16, 2017
hi everyone, i have a well established 35 gallon tank with no issues. i have 4 fancy tail guppies (among other fish) and 4 endlers which i introduced a few months ago. There are 3 male and one female endler. Problem is, the endlers constantly nip and bully my guppies. They leave all my other fish alone. Do i need more than 3 males so they are distracted or do i get rid of them altogether?:fish2:
Livebearers need to be kept in groups with more females than males. They get frustrated otherwise.
Are your guppies male or females? If they are female then your endlers are trying to breed with them.
It would be easier for your female if you rehome her. She will get very stressed otherwise.
Are your guppies male or females? If they are female then your endlers are trying to breed with them.
It would be easier for your female if you rehome her. She will get very stressed otherwise.
all the guppies are male

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