Established filter cycle time.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 17, 2009
I'm going to move up to a 29 gallon tank from a 10 gal. Would it be safe to just swap the entire Aquaclear 150 filter to the bigger tank and have it do a mini cycle. Or should I only swap the sponge or carbon filter and let it cycle completely before adding fish. I'm only asking because I don't have much space to have both tanks going at the same time. (I can if I need to, but I'd like to avoid it.)
Most of the active bacteria is in the filter medium so IMO you should be fine using the filter material you've got. If it were me, I'd use the water from the 10 gl as well. I'm assuming that you're putting the fish in the new tank? That way I'd have what amounts to a 50% WC in the new tank and do another WC in a week. After that is when I'd add new fish.

The thing I can't address is whether or not the filter is big enough to handle the 29 gl. If you're not sure, someone on here will know.
Are you planning on purchasing a new filter? If so you can take the media (sponge, carbon, etc.) and put it in the new filter.
Otherwise just swap the the whole filter and some water as already stated.
I think the 150 is rated for aquariums up to 30 gallons so it should be sufficient. A lot of people like to have more filtering capacity. It is usually a good thing provided the current does not bother the fish. So you may consider upgrading your filter.
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