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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 18, 2011
Sad times Oranda is most definitely dying. I know I have done every possible thing for him. His decline has been for about a month steady.

Rather than advice in keeping him alive, and suffering, can anyone recommend euthanasia for my poor guy? I can't bear to flush him. He's been years of relaxation and humor for us.

Thank you.
I've heard put him in water and freeze him is pretty much painless.
Also heard clove oil and vodka is fast and painless.

Sorry about the poor guy :(
Laurencallen74 said:
Sad times Oranda is most definitely dying. I know I have done every possible thing for him. His decline has been for about a month steady.

Rather than advice in keeping him alive, and suffering, can anyone recommend euthanasia for my poor guy? I can't bear to flush him. He's been years of relaxation and humor for us.

Thank you.

I found dropping into a boiling water fastest and stress-less (for the fish, that is, but not for me)
Freezing doesn't sit well with goldfish species, as they can survive being partially frozen.
They can't survive being frozen solid through. They can survive in a frozen pond if there is unfrozen water in it. They've also done lab tests and freezing was the form of euthanasia that they tested that released almost no stress hormones. Since goldfish do fine in freezing temperatures, that makes sense to me--it's not that far a cry from freezing temperatures and the super slow metabolism that it brings to tipping that edge and freezing solid.
I'd recommend boiling water for small goldfish but if he's quite large use clove oil then vodka or blunt force trauma.
I'm very sorry to hear about your Goldie. What is wrong with him?
Thanks everyone.

For starters, he's always had SBD. Since I kept the water pristine and held off on big feeds, he did well. However, awhile back, I was certainly a freshman in the game of fish keeping and because of it, I'm probably the one who put the initial hurt on his immune system. I really tried hard, and he's about 4 years old now, but unfortunately, he's at the end of his rope. I'm really quite sad about this. Kinda embarrassing to feel so attached.

I think I will do the cold water, the thought of boiling him kills me.

Thanks again everyone.
Thanks Jessica, I just can't stand to see him like this. He doesn't swim, barely floats.

Is boiling water really the best?
I honestly have never had to euthanize a fish (other animals, yes). There is NO WAY I could do boiling water. Clove oil is supposed to be the best means for humanely euthanizing a goldfish. You can purchase it in most health foods stores & its in some toothache meds. I listed a link below for the proper clove oil procedure. :(

What Is the Most Humane Way to Euthanize a Fish?
I couldn't wait to get Clove oil. He was having small spasms and floating up. I put him in a bowl of his own tank water and put ice in it and then put him in. I put it in the freezer and am so bloody sad right now I can't even stand myself.

Thank you all for the advice. I wish I never had to ask, but it was very necessary.

He kind of behaved like a dog and would take food from my hand. He truly was the coolest fish, and I'll miss him a lot. He was my first (well, my 6 year old's) fish.

My heart goes out to you! Do not remove him from the freezer until the water is frozen solid (atleast 2hrs). Give him a nice burial. :(
All due respect Tarpon, that is not within my capabilities. It may seem a slower way to go, but given the fact....that I CAN NOT do that, my guy will have to go this way. Trust me, I feel terrible enough anyway.
That seems way too slow.
The fastest way IME is to sever the head with a sharp knife

Just a point to keep in mind--slow and stressful (for the fish) aren't the same thing. :whistle:
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