Ever heard of Cullys?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 24, 2003
I bought four of them last saturday.
They have a reagular earthworm-shaped body. Same size also
They come in brown with orange stripes.
Suppossed to be bottom feeders/dwellers
They have feelers like corys do, a little shorter tho.
Spend most of the time hiding beneath driftwood and by night when i turn lights out they come out and start digging in the gravel looking for food.

Theyre really cool

They said their name was cully...

Now about them?

They have fins also like regular fish..
Dont understand your question scott
Thanx All

Yup definitely Kuhli Loaches
Thanx !!!
He wants to know if you have any freshwater rivers near to you where you could catch some tropicals for your tank, I guess.
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