expensive Pacu meal...

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 8, 2004
Newtown CT

My Pacu is a bit of an oddball in that he refuses to eat any live or dead fish. He'll eat anything else you put in the tank, but nothing alive.

So we have a couple other tank mates for him, a pleco, Jack Dempsey, couple guppies, 2 tricolors, an angel...

We also got a very pretty looking blue crayfish.

Now of course Mr Pacu only likes to dine on the expensive ones.

The cray fish was great to watch. Untill the Pacu got curious. Well mr. pacu stuck his nose a bit too close to check him out and got nipped in the face. Of course he got scared and swam away, but once he reached the other end of the tank he turned around, came back and bit off the crayfish's claws! He also ripped half his head off. Well, the cray fish was still squirming a bit so we removed him from the tank to see if he would revive. Shortly after he died so instead of throwing him out, we tossed him in the tank and the Pacu gladly crunched him down.

ARG! The Crayfish was really a ball to watch! Next time i'm dropping a New England 10lb lobster in the tank. We'll see who wins then!
he's 20" but i doubt he's enough to take on the 10lb puppy.

I told him he was a bad fish. I don't think it helped.

But he did get freaked out when i was arranging some stuff in the tank and amptied a good gallon of water all over my lamp shade. Then he was embarassed and hid behind a plant.

Picture a 20" long fish hiding behind a thin leaf plant thats about 13" tall. He's not too bright.
They are, in all my reasearch, supposed to mainly feed on fruit, nuts, and plants.

The fish store where i got him is about a 30 minute drive, but they are a very good place to go. They feed their pacus feeder gold fish. Suprisingly their feeder tanks are free of ick and noticible diseases. Overstocked of course, but they look clean. The Pacus eagerly eat them up. I don't think they sell too many of those Pacus though, as they are about 10" long in that tank.

My plumber also mentioned that he used to have a Pacu and Piranha tank and was suprised that mine doesn't eat fish.

He also said he had a 130 gallon he could have given me free! Oh well, i got a good deal on my 125, and its spanking new too.
rhetor said:
He also said he had a 130 gallon he could have given me free! Oh well, i got a good deal on my 125, and its spanking new too.

What you need is what someone around here has....I quote from her description of its construction:

"3240 gallons...it is 12'L x 6'H x 6'W and is constructed of 2x4 - 4" on centre and 1 1/2" thick plywood, held together with 36 yards of fiberglass matting, 10 gallons of resin, and 10 gallons of gel-coat. There are 2 panes of glass that measure 5' x 3' x 3/4" thick. The tank is powered by a 3 hp pump that pumps about 9000 gallons per hour, with a 3/4 hp backup that will pump about 4500 gallons per hour. Filtration is provided by 3 swimming pool sand filters - there are 3 x 4" suction lines to the filters and 2 x 2", 12' long return lines back to the tank. Approximately 1/2 ton of gravel covers the bottom of the tank and there are about 1/4 ton of large rocks and slate inside. There is a 5' tree stump in one corner with a 12' limb off a local apple tree that spans the tank. "

It houses her 25 year-old, 36" black pacu.

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