Exposing CC Starfish to air

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 11, 2011
I've mostly read to never expose a starfish to air because of air pockets possibly becoming stuck in the arms. I was wondering how true this is. I remember going to the state aquarium and being able to hold different types of starfish, fully exposing them to air. Also, since CC Starfish enjoy spreading their arms across the water surface, would this not debunk this theory for the most part as they expose themselves to air without problem? I was wondering all of this because I need to do a PWC and my starfish is being stubborn at the top of my tank. I tried to gently remove him, but he wouldn't budge at all. He's crawling all around, but sticking to the surface and I don't want to jeopardize his health by lowering the water level for a few minutes.
Should be fine as long as it's for a few minutes. If you lower the water level for a pwc and it feels like it's drying out it will move down into the water.
No problem. Not all stars are like that. Alot of stars are out of the water during low tide situations.
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