Extremely high ammonia

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 15, 2017
Hello all my tank smelled terrible this morning when I woke up so I decided to test water the amonia was off the charts at 8.0ppm I haven't tested the other levels since I immediately did a 70% water change and treated with Prime and aquarium salt....The tank is a 10 Gallon top fun starter kit stocked with 5 neon tetras 3 glo fish and 1 albino corydora
If the water smelled bad, its usually due to a dead fish or uneaten decaying food. These can cause an ammonia spike.
If the water smelled bad, its usually due to a dead fish or uneaten decaying food. These can cause an ammonia spike.

Yea I noticed a ton of food particles when I was water changing so I'm gonna tone down on feeding them for a couple days slowly getting them used to smaller amounts of food since the tank is having a hard time breaking down the small amounts they aren't eating or spitting out
70% still leaves you at 2ppm [if it was only 8] ....
I would do another 70% tomorrow..
That would get you down to aprox .5 ,again if it was only 8..
If it was higher then now you may be able to get an accurate reading and know if more needs to be done..
I am heavy on the tolerant ammonia level before water change at 1ppm.Most think over .5 is bad for fish...Like possibly causing permanent damage?
70% still leaves you at 2ppm [if it was only 8] ....
I would do another 70% tomorrow..
That would get you down to aprox .5 ,again if it was only 8..
If it was higher then now you may be able to get an accurate reading and know if more needs to be done..
I am heavy on the tolerant ammonia level before water change at 1ppm.Most think over .5 is bad for fish...Like possibly causing permanent damage?

The fish I've got are pretty hearty and have been through a lot so I'd be surprised if a little amonia spike took them out and amonia is down to 3ppm I'm going to run another 70% tomorrow
Make sure there are no left overs in tank. Feed your fish good but not more than they need.
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