Fabulous Fish and Plants for a 75g

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Daphnia are People Too.
Jun 30, 2011
Lincoln, NE
So, I soon be stocking a new 75g tank. I am moving my 3 adult angels and 2 L. curviceps into it. I am not sure what else I want....
I have considered zebra loaches, yoyo loaches, porthole catfish, cories, SAE, or some fun yet affordable pleco (preferably without bristles).
Redbelly dace, emperor tetras, australe killifish (hatched from eggs to avoid temperature acclimation issues), black ruby barbs, 5 banded barbs, cherry barbs, swordtails, topminnows, and probably a whole bunch of others that aren't currently coming to mind. Lol.
For plants, I have thought about Amazon swords, jungle val (or corkscrew val), watersprite, crypts (the easy kind like wendtii).
It will be planted. I am open to ideas for animals and plants.
I have no idea how I will make up my mind.
absolutangel04 said:
It would, but for this tank I need fish my angels won't eat. Lol.
Oops :/ yep don much about any fish besides small ones :)
A cray maybe? But that would probably eat your bigger fish :p
You have my vote for the emperor tetras! I've read that swordtails and angels do great together so there shouldn't be a problem there. Some other tetras that I've read about could be Lemon tetras, head and tail-light tetras, & larger black neons.

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