Fantail bully

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 29, 2012
over the past week we have got 2 fantails from different Pet Outlets. We are noticing that the first fantail we got seems to be bullying the new one. it follows the new fish around all the time and try's to bite or nudge the new goldfish bottom.

I hope I have not got a female, what do I do in if I have?
A large part of your issue is space- a 10g is MUCH too small for two fantails. They need atleast a 30g tank. Your fish are babies so they are not displaying breeding behaviors. A full grown adult wouldnt even be capable of turning around or even moving in this size tank. A second issue may be either your water quality or the fish being picked on is ill or both.
I keep getting told that my tank is too small for any kind of goldfish :(so what kind of fish can we stock? The pet shops always ask me what size tank I have and they don't say anything. Unfortunately I don't have the room for anything larger.... Last year we upgraded to a 35l from a 30l tank.
Fancies in ideal conditions grow quite a bit larger than most people realize. This and that they are messy fish that produce alot of ammonia requires they need ample water. Pet stores are a business and they do not always have the welfare of the fish they sell in mind. Some employees simply do not know any better or do not care. This is why it is vital that you do your own research prior to purchasing any fish so you have an understanding of their diet, compatibility & housing needs. If you do a search on here, you will a couple dozen (or more) threads discussing stocking options for a 9/10g tank. Please ask if you have any questions!
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