Featherfin catfish issues

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 13, 2011
So I have had this Featherfin catfish for about a month now and it was doing great! Eating socializing ( my angels actually didn't bother it and they hate everything!) it had dark showy colors... But slowly it started to fade in color and hide more. No one bothers him he just seems to mozy along. He eats but not as eagerly as he once did. And I don't know it's a he I'm just guessing for now. My water is good. Nothing has really changed so I'm stumped. Anyone have any help???? Please!!!!
Km84 said:
So I have had this Featherfin catfish for about a month now and it was doing great! Eating socializing ( my angels actually didn't bother it and they hate everything!) it had dark showy colors... But slowly it started to fade in color and hide more. No one bothers him he just seems to mozy along. He eats but not as eagerly as he once did. And I don't know it's a he I'm just guessing for now. My water is good. Nothing has really changed so I'm stumped. Anyone have any help???? Please!!!!

How big is the tank?
Water are your exact water parameters? What are you using to test the water? Is the tank cycled? What all is in the tank? How big?
40g tall. Two loaches ( they look like worms) and two angels.
Km84 said:
40g tall. Two loaches ( they look like worms) and two angels.
Kuhuli loaches? Striped? And that isnt enough floor space for a featherfin cat. How big is he? Does he have alot of cover as in rocks and caves?
He is only about 1.5 and there is plenty of hiding for him I will also move him to my 55 when he gets bigger. Any clue what's wrong with him?
What are your parameters? I agree with the others, your tank will be too small in the long run. I had one that I kept rehoming to bigger tanks. He is well over a foot long now. They are slow growers though, so you have some time to upgrade.
I know he needs to be moved but for now he is ok. I did do my research before I made the purchase. I'm at work so I don't remember all the readings but I know my ph is around 7 low nitrates no chlorine or ammonia and my water is semi hard. I do water changes religiously.
My featherfin will occasionally fade a bit, but all my fish do, so I don't worry about it too much. Usually when I turn the lights on, I'll see dull looking colors on same but they brighten up within 20 minutes or so.

What are you feeding him?

You might want to consider upgrading "before" he gets bigger. If you don't, his growth may be affected and then you'll really have a sick fish on your hands.

Kuhlis should be in groups of no less than 5, if you really want them to be happy and content.
I don't believe that's what my loaches are but I'm not sure I've had them forever and they are happy and healthy. The get a kick our of the new sand and sea Shells more for them to dig and hide
Yeah that looks a lot like them. They are very interesting to watch! They hate water changes. It messes up all the tunnels under the coral and shells they work so hard to dig lol I didn't know they came in a stripped color. I would love to find them!
It seems certain regions get the stripped ones. All I can find around here are the stripped ones. Never seen a non-stripped in a store near me.
And all I find are the brown ones. Lol I'm going to look online for the striped they look awesome! They are so handy as well. Ever since I switched to sand I hardly have to vacuum. They swim so fast and furiously they kick up what sits on the sand so the filter picks it up! It's great.

Also my feather fin seems to be gaining back some color but now he seems awfully fat! He isn't eating more then normal in fact he may be eating less. It doesn't look like bloat but I will try to get a pic. He is camera shy. He is just shy in general.
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