Feeder Goldfish

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 18, 2005
perth australia
hi guys,

having a debate on another forum about the nutritional value of feeder fish/goldfish etc when feeding to larger type cichlids.

Can anyone support or oppose the theory that they are nutritional with written documentation and evidence either way?


The goldfish in my garden pond have filed a petition against live feeding. I believe this would qualify as documentation against feeding goldfish to cichlids.

Best of luck in your research. .
I think most who frown upon feeder goldfish worry about disease the feeders may carry. If you were positive the feeders were disease free then I think they could be a nutritional part of a varied diet.
I have no hard documentation to offer, but it's pretty obvious that the feeder fish in those cramped, dirty lfs tanks are not healthy, so why feed them to your prized cichlids?

On the other hand, I think that home-bred feeders (goldfish or livebearers) raised in disease-free conditions and fed high quality food, would be an excellent high-protein supplement to a varied diet.

Again, no hard documentation, but it makes sense to me that a diet consisting solely of feeders would not be as healthy as one consisting of dry, frozen, and live foods (including feeders).
out of interest, this is the best i could come up with

About Live Foods:

Live and prepared brine shrimp (Artemia) is highly inconsistent in its actual food value, as are other forms of wild-collected food organisms. So-called "feeder" goldfish are the prime example of poor nutritional practice; nutrient-limited, too fatty, and all-too-often parasite laden.

As a side note for carnivorous and semi-carnivorous fish such as oscars, red devils, and Jaguars, feeder fish should never be chosen as a primary food source because they have virtually no nutritional value. In addition feeders contain the enzyme thaimase which breaks down thiamine. Thiamine is an important vitamin and if you use feeders as a large portion of your fishes diet it WILL develope a thiamine deficiency. Fish fed exclusively or largely a diet of feeder fish are extremely likely to develop HITH. They are also in high risk of contracting other diseases, such as ich, numerous other parasites, or fungal infections. It is important to resist the urge to watch your fish chase their food, it is for their own good.
I definately wouldn't feed feeder fish as a sole diet for Africans (not sure on SA's). Which type of Cichlid are you actually talking about?
nah no way, i refuse to give my africans feeders, even the predator dimi comps The oscars do get a treat once every few months but thats about it. The discussion is based more towards SA's.
If you are going to use feeders breed your own, I have had lots of fish die from disease from store bought feeders. Its just a matter of time, and it usually does not take very long to get a bad batch.
I just set up my 15 gallon as a convict cichlid breeder tank to produce feeders for my SA cichlids.

Right now my mating pair of convicts are protecting about 200 eggs which should hatch in the next day or so.

Hopefully this will result in a good source of healthy, disease-free feeders which I can give highly nutritious food to maximize their nutritional value.
DO NOT USE FEEDER GOLDFISH they are oily not very nutritious and constant feed of them causes faty deposits on the liver they also contain very high levels of Thiaminase a destroying hormone.
another issue with goldfish is the presence of a 'spine' in the anterior of the dorsal fin, this can prove problematic if the fish swallows the feeder the wrong way or further issues in the digestive system. goldfish are just not a good feeder (not that feeders in general are that great). if you have to feed feeders, as mentioned above, go with guppies or rosies. i prefer rosies since they seem to be a little less susceptible to ich and the like...although its good to quarantine feeders if you can.
Feeder goldfish farms utilize copper meds in suspension form to combat diseases in the feeders associated with overcrowding. These copper meds are retained by the feeders for long periods after they leave the farms. Most lfs invariably retain all or part of the feeders shipping water when the feeders are loaded into their bins/tanks. And copper does not dissapate from a closed system.
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