Feeding habits of Dwarf Gouramis??

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 5, 2005
I'm almost embarrassed to ask this question, but here goes :lol: :

I've got a DG, been in the tank for around 3 weeks. Some of you might remember my posting about his neurotic behavior that first week :roll: .

He seems fine.......doesn't seem stressed or sick in the least. The odd thing is.......he just will NOT come up for food? I think he's shy or intimidated by the Platies & Tetras aggressively attacking the food at the surface & he'll hang back waiting for a tiny piece of a flake that escapes them. After feeding time, I'll see him busily nosing around in the gravel looking for food. I'm just concerned he's going to starve (??) or does anyone else see this type of behavior from DGs??

I've tried putting food in different sections of the tank & turning off the filter but it hasn't changed anything.........the other fish still attack like little sharks & he waits until "dinner" is over & goes to the gravel.

Any thoughts?? Thanks............
No, I actually hadn't thought about that. Maybe I'll pick some up & see if that helps.......thanks.
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