Feeding Platy Fry

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 25, 2013
Columbus, OH
My bumblebee platy gave birth about a week ago. I was unprepared and had no way to save the fry at first. I finally got a breeder net to use for the time being and saved 2 of the fry that were still around. They've been in the net now for 2 days. They don't seem all that active and I'm not sure if they are eating or not. I've given them finely ground up flake food and shrimp pellets at different times over the last few days. They never eat it while I'm watching and there is always some left over hours later. I'm assuming they must be eating or else they'd be dead by now. I was expecting that they'd eagerly eat like adult platy but they show no interest in the food when I drop it in. Is this normal?
If they're still alive, they have to be eating something at some point. They might just be shy and afraid because they are new. Normally my guppy fry would take a few daysto get used to things before they would attack their food like adults do.
Your Livebearer Fry

My bumblebee platy gave birth about a week ago. I was unprepared and had no way to save the fry at first. I finally got a breeder net to use for the time being and saved 2 of the fry that were still around. They've been in the net now for 2 days. They don't seem all that active and I'm not sure if they are eating or not. I've given them finely ground up flake food and shrimp pellets at different times over the last few days. They never eat it while I'm watching and there is always some left over hours later. I'm assuming they must be eating or else they'd be dead by now. I was expecting that they'd eagerly eat like adult platy but they show no interest in the food when I drop it in. Is this normal?

Hello buck...

You don't have to separate your fry. Just leave the fry in the main tank and feed them all more often. Moving fish is stressful for everyone at best. It's been my experience with Livebearers, that the adults show little or no interest in the fry if they're well fed.

I'd suggest feeding mostly frozen food. It's by far the most nutritious, because there's nothing added to extend the shelf life of the product, just the frozen animal and water. I feed a variety of brine and mysis shrimp, beefheart, plankton, bloodworms and krill. Your fry will grow quickly if you're able to feed every 2 to 3 hours and just a bit, so everything is eaten. You don't want to dirty the water. Start large, weekly water changes too. The fish will thrive in the pure water conditions.

Just a suggestion.


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