Feeding question for 125

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 22, 2009
Los Angeles
Hi. Wanted to know about how you guys feed your 125 generally. I have 6 fluvals and the amount of water that gets sucked in and pushed out makes my blood/black worms fly all over the place, even when I use a worm feeder cone and into the filters. I also have a hang on penguin on the other side. Does everyone unplug or turn off their fluvals? Mine are all connected to a power strip but fluvals can be difficult if they are older and some of mine just don't want to cooperate - like if I turn them off I'm afraid I won't turn back on. Happens a lot to me when I am cleaning the darn things. Some turn on, some I have to work on for a long time and some I just give up on and buy another. I hate those fluvals but too much $ into them, ya know?

Just wanted advice on how you all feed and if any of you have as many filters as I do and if not, how do you keep your larger fw tanks clean.:usa
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